Texas Wildlife Information Management Services (TWIMS)
Texas Wildlife Information Management Services (TWIMS)
The Wildlife Division has instituted the Texas Wildlife Information Management Services (TWIMS) program with the goal of integrating all data collected by the Wildlife Division. The purpose of this program is to create secure, centralized client/server systems to input data into a single database for storing and analyzing data, generating reports, and printing permits.
This system provides important tools for TPWD biologists, managers, and constituents which will significantly increase the efficiency of managing information and data needed to make better decisions concerning the management of wildlife resources in Texas. For example, TWIMS will assist field biologists and landowners with data collection, standardization, validation, storage and backup, while eliminating redundant data collection and maintenance. TWIMS will also generate reports such as deer population and harvest trends for landowners and regions. Participants will have reports generated (e.g., average field-dressed weight of 5 1/2-year-old bucks, age structure of doe harvest) immediately upon completion of data entry. Participants will also be able to compare population parameters of deer and other species from individual properties with regional data as a way to evaluate the effectiveness of individual management actions.
This system provides important tools for TPWD, Deer Breeders and Texas Animal Health Commission which will significantly increase the efficiency of managing deer breeder herd inventories and issuing permits. Breeders may use this system to track deer through adding births, deaths and activating and completing transfer permits, keeping real-time records of their inventory. Breeders have the option to track deer by pen and upload genealogies. The system calculates the "Movement Qualified" status and percentage of eligible mortalities tested of each herd. Changes to facilities, agent information, and the addition of release sites may also be completed through this system.
If you are an existing TWIMS user, please log in and complete your permit application through 'Permit' section of the website. If you do not have a login name and password, please use the link below to complete your application
Please be aware that Deer Breeder Permit fees are not prorated. All new Deer Breeder Permits will expire on the June 30th immediately following permit issuance. All permittees are required to renew their Deer Breeder Permit and pay the $200 renewal fee prior to permit expiration, regardless of when the initial Deer Breeder Permit is issued.
Any individual who would like to register their property as a release site for breeder deer must complete a free online application, which will require a map of the specific tract where breeder deer will be released. Release sites must be high-fenced, and all fencing and gates must be completed before applying to register the release site. If the release site is an individual high-fenced pasture within a larger property, map only the specific high-fenced area where breeder deer will be released. Once the application is submitted, TPWD staff will review the application and return a Facility ID Number for the release site. Applications are normally processed within two business days of submission.
You must have an online account to apply for a DMP permit. If you do not have a login name and password, please contact your local TPWD biologist. Visit the link below for additional information and instructions.
If you are an existing TWIMS user, please log in and complete your permit application through the 'Permit' section of the website. If you do not have a login name and password, please contact the Wildlife Permits Office at 512-389-4585 for assistance.
You must have an online account to apply for a TTP permit. If you do not have a login name and password, please contact your local TPWD biologist. Visit the links below for additional information and instructions.
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