Depredation Permit Application

This is an application for a permit to kill wildlife that is damaging property or threatening public safety. Applicant will be required to submit a non-refundable fee of $250 along with the permit application.

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Applicant Information



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Depredation Details

Applicant hereby applies for a permit to kill a protected wild bird(s) or animal(s) pursuant to Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 43, Subchapter H. Applicant certifies the following:

(1) Select one:

Commercial agricultural, horticultural, or aquacultural interests are affected by said damage
Depredation permits are only issued to safeguard commercial agricultural, horticultural, or aquacultural interests, or public safety. Depredation permits are not issued to control damage to non-commercial property. Please contact the Wildlife Permits Office at 512-389-8212.

 If Yes, please list each interest type and acres of each below.

Interest (Crop/Product) If 'Other', please specify Number of Acres

(2) The wild bird(s) or animal(s) causing the property damage or threatening public safety for which this permit is being sought is (to select multiple species hold down 'Ctrl' key and click the species you want to select):

If 'Other', please specify

(3) Applicant's property is being damaged or there is a threat to public safety in the following manner:

(4) Applicant has taken the following control measures to prevent further damage or threat to public safety:

(5) Applicant agrees that if a depredation permit is issued, all carcasses killed pursuant to this permit will be field-dressed and donated to a charitable institution, hospital or needy person(s).

(6) Applicant understands that failure to complete and submit the enclosed Activity Log on or before the deadline is a Parks and Wildlife Code Class C misdemeanor. Applicant understands that any other violation of a law or regulation pertaining to this permit is a class B misdemeanor.

(7) Applicant understands that this permit may be cancelled by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department if the permit does not accomplish its intended purposes, the permit holder fails to submit requested reports, or the permit holder intentionally makes false claim on the permit application.

Harvester Information

Applicant requests permission for the following persons (in addition to the applicant) to shoot and kill the depredating or hazardous wild bird(s) or animal(s):

When you click 'Print to PDF' button, the system will generate a PDF version of your application that you must print, sign and mail to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department along with the permit fee (detailed instructions on the PDF application). You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this application. We suggest you save this PDF application in case you need to print it later.
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