Trap, Transport Transplant Permit
Applicant Information
This information page contains a summary of current Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) regulations concerning permits to Trap, Transport, and Transplant Game Animals and Game Birds as they pertain to pronghorn.
Purpose of the Permit: Permits to trap, transport, and transplant pronghorn may be issued to individuals for the purposes of wildlife management. This permit is designed to provide the serious landowner/manager an additional tool with which to manipulate and enhance the pronghorn resources on suitable habitat.
Trapping Methods: The majority of relocation operations will use aircraft to herd pronghorn into a winged corral trap. Other methods including net gunning pronghorn from a helicopter will be considered on a case by case basis. Aircraft must be permitted through Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and a Landowner Authorization (LOA) must be on file with the Department. All capture and transplants must occur when the ambient temperature is less than seventy degrees Fahrenheit (<70F).
Conditions for Permit Issuance: Applications for permits to relocate pronghorn will be thoroughly reviewed on a case by case basis. All proposed release sites must have a current Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Management Plan approved by a TPWD Wildlife Biologist. Applications will be denied if the proposed activity may detrimentally affect the population status on adjacent properties, if proposed activities may detrimentally affect the resource, or if the proposed release site is outside of the natural distribution range (current or historical range) of pronghorn. All proposed relocation operations must comply with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Stocking Policy, which stipulates that prospective release sites shall have suitable natural habitat capable of sustaining the animals stocked.
In addition, the following conditions must be met: (1) in most cases the property must contain a minimum of 20,000 contiguous acres of suitable habitat within the pronghorn range as defined in the previous paragraph; (2) release site habitat must be capable of supporting transplanted adult pronghorn and have potential for future population growth; (3) restoration sites with ranch or pasture boundaries having intact net-wire fencing or "high fences" are not eligible for pronghorn antelope without appropriate fence modifications. Net-wire fences (boundary and interior) must provide for seasonal ingress and egress of pronghorn antelope. Fence modifications will require a minimum of a hundred-yard gap per half mile of fence; (4) minimal water facilities require that water distribution adequate for domestic livestock must be maintained as permanent sources of water for pronghorn antelope; (5) all wildlife management plan recommendations specific to supporting pronghorn antelope must be accomplished, and a TPW site inspection and habitat evaluation survey with supporting results completed prior to issuance of a Trap, Transport and Transplant permit.
Permit Conditions: Pronghorn may only be relocated between November 1 and February 28. All persons named on a permit are permittees and are therefore responsible for all activities conducted under the authority of the permit. At least one permittee must be present during each phase of a relocation operation. The Supervisory permittee (permit applicant) or a sub-permittee must contact the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Law Enforcement Communications Center at (512) 389-4848 between 12 and 48 hours prior to each attempt to trap, transport and release pronghorn. Each trailer or other vehicle used to transport pronghorn must be marked on the rear surface with the inscription "TTT." The inscription must be at least 6 inches tall and 3 inches wide. Permittees must make reasonable efforts to ensure safe and humane handling of trapped animals and to reduce human health and safety hazards in every stage of the relocation operation. Relocated pronghorn may be marked for later recognition with appropriate ear tags. Pronghorn may not be sold, bartered, or otherwise exchanged for anything of value. Pronghorn may not be relocated into breeding facilities, detention pens or any other release site not specifically identified on the permit. Additional conditions may be specified on the permit. Relocation operations should only be attempted by those with the expertise to safely and efficiently conduct the operation.
Trap Release Site Information Forms: For each property where pronghorn are to be trapped or released, the applicant must submit completed Trap Site Information Form(s) and Release Site Information Form(s) to the local TPWD Wildlife Biologist by the first business day in January. If a trap site or release site is a pasture within a ranch (high-fenced or bordered with an intact net-wire fence), the information submitted must be specific to that pasture. The information submitted will be used by Texas Parks and Wildlife to assess the current status of habitat, wildlife resources, and potential competition on ranches proposed for removal/addition of pronghorn.
Release Site Wildlife Management Plan: A Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Management Plan addressing pronghorn must be approved and on file for each proposed release site. The Wildlife Management Plan must be approved by the TPWD Wildlife Biologist prior to application for a Trap, Transport and Transplant permit. Contact the Wildlife Division District Leader representing the release site county for further information. To obtain your District Leader's contact information please click on the link below to select the appropriate county; the District Leader contact information appears on that page. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the Wildlife Permits office at (512) 389-8212 to obtain the District Leader contact information.
Find a Biologist by County
Release Site Inspection: Each release site will be inspected by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to determine if habitat conditions are suitable for release of pronghorn.
Fees and Amendments: The application processing fee for a Trap, Transport, and Transplant permit is $750 per release site. The processing fee for amending an existing permit (e.g., adding a trap site) is $30; however, additional release sites require an additional fee of $750 per release site. Application processing fees are not refundable.
Reports and Financial Disclosure: A daily log of permitted activities must be maintained by the Supervisory Permittee. This log must be made available to Game Wardens upon request. A financial disclosure statement must be completed and signed by the owner (or full-time employee) of the trap site, the trapper, and the owner (or full-time employee) of the release site for each trap site/release site combination each time pronghorn are transported. This statement must accompany each shipment of animals. An activity report which summarizes the relocation operation must be submitted, along with all financial disclosure statements, within 30 days following permit expiration.
The Application Process: An applicant for a Trap, Transport, and Transplant permit must follow these steps: (1) complete and submit Trap Site and Release Site form(s) to the local TPWD Wildlife Biologist by the first business day in January; (2) complete and sign the application, (3) submit all forms and the application processing fee to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. If the application and associated materials are in order and the operation is approved, the permit should be issued within 2 weeks of receipt.
Please note: Trap Site Form(s) must be completed for each specific location where pronghorn will be trapped (each form must be signed by the landowner or landowner's agent). Release Site Form(s) must be completed for each specific location where animals will be released (each form must be signed by the landowner or landowner's agent). An approved Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Management Plan must be on file for each release site.
Note: A complete application for relocating pronghorn from one ranch to another ranch (or from one pasture to another pasture on the same ranch) will include the following: one Trap, Transport, and Transplant Permit Application; one Trap Site Information Form and one Release Site Information Form; plus the Application Processing Fee of $750.00. For each additional ranch involved (Release Site), submit a Release Site Information Form and an additional $750.00.
The completed application should be mailed to:
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Big Game Program - Wildlife Permits Office
4200 Smith School Road
Austin, Texas 78744
For More Information: If you have additional questions regarding permits to Trap, Transport, and Transplant Game Animals and Game Birds, please contact Texas Parks and Wildlife Department at 1-800-792-1112 (an electronic menu system will answer the 800 phone line. Within the menu system, select 5 [Wildlife], Choice 1 [Wildlife Information]).